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Writer's pictureBrave Baby

Step-by-Step Guide to Baby Massage: From Newborn to Toddler

The summer season is still in full swing, and although it does provide relief from hot conditions, it also brings with it a great deal of difficulties. Especially so if there is a young child in the home, since infants have far higher levels of vulnerability than adults do. Your infant's delicate skin has to be shielded from the biting winter wind, which might otherwise cause irritation and even illness in young children. Therefore, massaging your baby's body with baby massage oil throughout the winter is the most effective strategy to maintain your baby's health and ensure that they are receiving enough nutrition. The act of massaging your infant is a method that you may show them love and attention. One of the best ways for parents and babies to start connecting together is via massage.

In the winter, the baby massage oil you use should be on the lighter side so that it may be readily absorbed by the baby's skin. In the winter, using a baby massage oil of high quality not only helps to supply the necessary nutrients and moisture for the skin of the baby, but it also helps to strengthen the relationship that exists between the mother and the kid. An improvement in a toddler's immunity may be achieved by giving them an oil massage, which also helps to strengthen their muscles and bones. Therefore, throughout this piece of writing, we have extensively addressed the infant massage guidelines for winter that are essential for the parents, particularly the new parents, to be aware of.

Advantages of massaging

If you think back to when you were a child, your grandparents or mother probably gave you massages in a usual way. As it helps us in many ways by making our muscles and bones stronger. When we have a new baby in the house, massage is a routine that we never miss. Massage has many perks, and here are a few of them:

• Massage is good for your baby's mind, body, and social life.

• It makes sure that your baby stays calm.

• A toddler's stress level goes down when you massage them, so they cry less.

• Your baby will sleep more if you massage him or her.

• When you massage, you make the body's blood move faster.

• It keeps them healthy and keeps their immune systems strong.

• It helps your baby process food so that he or she doesn't get an upset stomach.

• It can also help you put on weight.

You will also find that it makes your child happier and makes you feel more in charge as a parent. No matter how often or when you rub your baby, it's a special time for you and your child.

During this time, the child will naturally make more eye contact with you. So don't let this moment go and keep happy with your baby.

Advice for advance massage

In the summer, it's easy to touch your baby anywhere in the house. In the winter, however, things are different. So, there is something to think about when soothing a baby in the winter.

  • When you take off your baby's clothes to rub him or her, make sure the room is nice and cosy for your child.

  • First, warm your hands by rubbing them together or using a heater, so your baby doesn't feel cold when you massage them with oil.

  • If you don't want to put cold oil on your toddler's skin, you can warm the oil up first. Don't forget to dip your elbow or finger into the oil to test how hot it is before putting it on the baby's skin to massage.

  • Make sure the area you use to massage your baby is not too cold. The best way to do this is to put your baby on your lap with a cotton cloth under his or her back.

  • Check the oil you want to use to massage your baby before you use it. The best way to make sure the baby doesn't have a reaction to the oil is to do a patch test.

  • Always use soft, gentle touches when massaging your baby. Spend this time with your child to show them how much you love them. Your loving touch will make your child feel safe and cared for in the long run.

  • Before you massage the baby, make sure to look for spots on the baby's body that are caused by the nappy so that your hands won't slip there when you massage.

  • After the whole body has been massaged, you can finally rub the head with the oil of your choice.

Useful Herbal Baby massage oil

The most important question that occurs when a baby is born and the woman gives birth is, "Which oil will be more beneficial for a baby massage?" Since a mother's touch is the first thing a kid experiences, and since mothers naturally want to provide their children with the greatest possible care, massage is an excellent choice.

Be very cautious while searching for an organic baby massage oil for your young child since many popular brands of massage oil, such as those containing paraben and synthetic, are known to contain potentially hazardous compounds. Always make sure you check out the components that go into the making of the massage oil. Always search for phrases like as organic, paraben-free, and natural to ensure that the product is appropriate for use on infant skin.

One important infant massage tip for the winter that you need to remember is that the oil that is used for massaging your child during the summer should not be utilised during the winter. The Newborn massage oils that are used in the winter and those that are used in the summer are diametrically opposed to one another. Now that winter has here, let's talk about some baby massage oils that you may use.

Sesame oil

It is well recognised that sesame oil may bring the Vata dosha back into balance, making it an excellent choice for use in infant massage. Linoleic acid is abundant in it, and it possesses qualities that make it antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and an antioxidant. It leaves the skin feeling smooth and supple after use.

Coconut oil

Babies may safely consume coconut oil, particularly virgin coconut oil. In addition to soothing their dry skin, it might help alleviate their discomfort. In addition, coconut oil has a pleasant aroma and has no artificial colours or flavours.

Almond oil

For the baby's skin, almond oil is a natural moisturiser. A, B2, B6, D, and E vitamins are abundant in this oil. It calms the skin and prevents skin conditions including rashes, eczema, dry skin, etc. As was already said, it not only helps to avoid rashes but also soothes and treats current skin irritation and rashes.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil, produced from jojoba seeds, is a golden liquid wax. Refined, this liquid is colourless and odourless. This oil benefits adults and children. Jojoba oil helps youngsters with skin issues. Diaper rashes harm newborns most. Jojoba oil may soothe these rashes. It will relieve your baby's rashes without negative effects.

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